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Pity Party and God – He Doesn’t Join In

Have you ever found yourself throwing a pity party, expecting God to show up with sympathy and comfort? Let me tell you something I learned the hard way—God doesn't join in on pity parties. I had to hear Him say it loud and clear: "Enough is enough. Move on."I can’t even remember how many years it’s been since this experience, but it left a lasting impact on me. Let me share what happened and the lessons I learned.It was just before one of our major Gospel crusades. We had done everything we knew how to do: we prayed, we fasted, and we fully believed that God would provide. But as the crusade date crept closer—just one week away—we were still short on the resources we needed. Panic began to set in, and I was furious. I was angry at God. I cried and threw tantrums, feeling betrayed by the very God I was serving. Why wasn’t He showing up?

But even in my frustration, I still woke up in the middle of the night to pray, even though my heart was full of bitterness and resentment toward God. I felt He had let me down. But there I was, angry and confused, yet still going to Him in prayer.As I began to pray, the tears started flowing uncontrollably. My heart was heavy, and I was overwhelmed by my emotions. In that moment, I sensed the word of the Lord so clearly, saying, “Stop the tears. I won't listen to you with all this drama.” It shocked me. God wasn’t entertaining my sobbing; He wasn’t moved by my tantrums. He then said, “Stop crying. Lay your hand on your chest. Cast out the pain and the anger.” I did exactly what He said, and something amazing happened.I felt like something heavy came out of my heart. It was as if a weight had lifted. Instantly, I felt the peace of God rush in, and His assurance filled me. He was with me all along, and the provision I had been stressing over was already on the way. To cut a long story short, God came through. He provided just as He had promised, but not once did He entertain my pity party.

Lessons Learned: 1. God Responds to Faith, Not Drama: God is compassionate, but He doesn’t indulge in our self-pity. He calls us to stand in faith, even when things seem impossible. Crying, sulking, and throwing tantrums may make us feel momentary relief, but it doesn’t move the hand of God—faith does.

2. He Wants Our Obedience, Even When We Don’t Feel Like It: Despite my frustration, I still went to God in prayer, and that simple act of obedience opened the door for Him to speak into my situation. Sometimes, showing up in faith is all it takes for God to bring clarity.

3. Peace Comes When We Release Our Burdens: As soon as I obeyed and cast my anger and bitterness on Him, I felt His peace flood my heart. Holding on to hurt and frustration only blocks the peace that God wants to give us.

4. God Is Always Faithful, Even When We Doubt: The situation didn’t change when I was crying and complaining. It changed when I trusted God’s Word over my feelings. He had already planned to come through, but He was waiting for me to align my heart with His.So, the next time you find yourself frustrated, ready to throw a pity party, remember this: God is not in the business of joining pity parties. He calls us to rise above our emotions and trust that He is faithful. Enough is enough—move on and watch Him provide.

Marian Asamoah-Anim’s Journal - Bits & Pieces of My Walk with God...